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Europe’s Date with Destiny

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IBEUUS Y Tech 3 19 25

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for speaking the truth about the timeline of this war with Ukraine. Every news story here in Europe says the same thing. Russia was unprovoked. Never in my entire life have I ever witnessed such outright lies by the press. I do not see the Europeans rising up to overthrow these governments. We are sheep being led to the slaughter. You have forecasted that the euro will no longer exist, and they are rapidly moving to digital currencies, which will be, as you say, for capital control. We will not be able to leave or get our money out. Will you do a special report on Europe? I think it is time to prepare for the future sooner than later.

I am a great admirer of your courage and endurance.


History Repeat Copy

ANSWER: It gives me no pleasure to live through Socrates’s forecasts as we head into 2032 when even the euro has a Panic Cycle. I have done my best to try to defeat my own computer to no avail. Nobody will listen to me, and they certainly never listen to history, assuming this time is always different. That is just part of the cycle. Those of us who see the patterns are condemned to sit on the sidelines and watch everyone repeat history repeatedly.

Capital_Control to Contain Risk

The euro has broken last year’s low and is still trading below it. We have a very serious Panic Cycle for Europe next year, and they are pushing to cancel the currency’s move to digital ASAP. All they look at is capital controls, which will prevent bank runs and stop capital fleeing. They are trying to control their risk of the collapse of the EU.

1936 German counterfeit British 20 pound

Germany counterfeited the British pound during World War II to undermine their economy. However, with digital currencies, Russia has an EPM bomb. All they have to do is explode one over Europe, and you will fry the electric components and kill the digital euro altogether. This is how all governments work. They are entirely myopic, like climate change or COVID-19. In both cases, they never considered that this would drastically shrink the economy. Only afterward, behind the curtain, do I get the calls. Can you fix it?

Lagarde Christine imf

When she was at the IMF, Christine Lagarde threatened tax havens to turn over all the people with accounts there or remove them from the SWIFT system. She even did that to the Vatican. She was the one who started this insane policy that her buddy, Obama, tried on Russia in 2014, and SWIFT refused to comply. So, they replaced the head of SWIFT in 2019, and he removed Russia from SWIFT, which set BRICS in motion. They are always myopic and never consider the counter-move in chess.

Capital Controls

Now, Lagarde runs the ECB, pushing for the cancellation of the currency and moving to digital. This is about taxes all over again. She hates the rich, other than politicians, and is a pure socialist while prancing around as one of the best-dressed women in Europe in $10,000 designer attire.

Lagarde-10000 Euro outfit

Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF, could be charged with money laundering as she transported more than $10,000 worth of goods without declaring them. Lagarde appeared in New York City wearing French designs in a Chanel dress worth €3000, €6000 for her Hermès handbag, and at least €500 for her Christian Louboutin shoes, bringing the total to about €9500, not counting jewelry, of course.

Kerry Climate Czar

This is like Biden’s Climate C zar, John Kerry, flying around in his private jets while telling us to ride a bicycle or walk to work in our 15-minute cities. Then he tells coal miners to get a real job learning how to make solar panels.

I am working on a detailed report covering the individual countries and the break up of the EU down the pike.EU Report 2025