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Is Carney Going to Put the Final Nail in the Coffin for Canada?

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Canada Politics

COMMENT: Martin,

I am extremely concerned about what is going on in Canada. Max Carnage has called an election in 30days!

Elections Canada now needs to find an estimated 285,000 temporary workers. What could possibly go wrong?

This is completely insane for what will be arguably the most import election in Canadian History!

So many Canadians are distracted by their Trump Derangement Syndrome, that they can’t think clearly.

You would think that Trump was running for Prime Minister of Canada as all Federal party leaders are all campaigning on this 51st State non-sense,

And not focusing on how Canada has lost its way and Bankrupt.

If a Uni-Party was to write a script for creating mass confusion, all in the efforts to control people, what we are witnessing is it.

In the 2021 federal election, the number of polling stations in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) decreased significantly compared to 2019. (57 Ridings out of a total of 338)

Eleven GTA ridings saw more than a 50% reduction in polling stations, with some, like Toronto Centre, experiencing an 84% drop (from 91 stations in 2019 to 15 in 2021).

And no one is asking questions.

When we elect clowns expect a circus.

Time for a Direct Democracy!!

This really confirms that Canada can no longer avoid splitting.

What is Socrates predicting for Canada?

Jim M

C Spot W Arfray 3 24 25

REPLY: Canada’s Prime Minister Mark Carney has called a snap election to be held on April 28th, 2025, primarily to address the ongoing trade war with the U.S. and to seek a strong mandate for his government. This election comes shortly after Carney took office following Justin Trudeau’s resignation. What I find really interesting is that Socrates targeted the week of April 28th as the strongest turning point in the C$ BEFORE Carney called a snap election. I believe that the way things unfold confirms Socrates, as some economic pressure behind the scenes compelled Carney to call the election for April 28th, conforming to Socrates’ preordained forecast. People wrongly look at this backward rather than this is the chicken or egg scenario. There is pressure first that causes the reaction.

Free Speech The Hill Europe_s_elite_are_very_nervous_about_freedom_of_speech

In this case, you are correct. Carney has made Trump his opposition to creating the distraction as Europe is doing with Putin. Then, the people are pointed in the opposite direction. Carney, like Trudeau, is also indoctrinated by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. He was one of the key figures behind Net-Zero Climate Change. I would not expect a reverse of his views, and he has even proposed joining the EU, which is anti-free speech and authoritarian. So, joining the EU is better than the USA? They have restrictions and tariffs that will never replace US trade, and the regulations will drive companies out of business; there goes Alberta, and Free Speech will no longer exit. Perhaps you will be thrown in prison for saying you are tired of your tax dollars going to illegal immigrants, as the UK sentenced a man to 20 months for that comment.

Why is he issuing Canadian debt in US dollars when he hates everything Trump stands for? Does he understand that taking Canada down this path means that there will be a decline in the confidence in Canadian debt? As a result, like emerging markets that cannot sell their debt in local currency, so they, too,  sell it in US dollars.

Canada Unemployment Y 3 24 25

Socrates shows that Canada will move into a recession that will bottom in 2028. Unemployment will rise again, and this is likely to finally open the eyes of Canadians. When we look at 2032, Canada will overthrow its parliamentary system, and the fact that Carney was not elected by the people will make this possible.