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ADUs Destroying Community

Comment: Thank you Martin Armstrong to take time to write on 15 min cities and accessory dwelling units or the ADUs. I must reach out and ask you to share my personal story on how ADU is destroying my once charming neighborhood. I believe everyone should have access to shelter, and I do not want […]

15-Minute Cities – Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)

Let’s take a closer look at Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) that have been proposed for 15-minute cities. These small units are typically under 1,000 sq ft and were once considered secondary structures on an existing residential lot. Think of what we once considered “in-law suites” or guest houses. There are numerous designs for ADUs, but […]

Build-to-Rent Communities Grow in Popularity

You will own nothing. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) have grown in popularity in recent years. America has recently imported a concept stemming from across the pond in the UK to pacify housing fears. Build-to-rent (BTR) communities are becoming a common development as the majority of Americans struggle to either afford or find housing. Around 23% […]

Crime Rose 82% in Chicago in 2 Years – Controlled Chaos in Blue Cities

It was hard to imagine a mayor WORSE than Lori Lightfoot, but Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson managed to surpass her in corruption and crime as Chicago crumbles. Johnson’s first three months on the job, compared to Lightfoot’s, saw 4,321 more car thefts, 41 more murders, and 38 more deadly shootings. Crime in Chicago is up […]

Freedom Flyers

Have you ever noticed a decorative eagle plaque above a home in America? This was once a popular symbol back in the day to symbolize freedom from mortgage payments. Homeowners would adorn their houses with this symbol to indicate that they were free from the bank and owned their home free and clear. Around 40% […]

Vanlords – A New Form of Urban Encampment

  I’ve discussed Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) at length as they have been marketed as a new way to force people into perpetual renting. They have even advertised micro-ADUs that are no more than a shed with plumbing. Since addressing the housing crisis would go against plans for the Great Reset, people are turning to […]

Dutch Study on Banning Investors from Buying Real Estate

Dutch researchers at the University of Amsterdam and Erasmus released a study entitled “Buy-to-Live vs. Buy-to-Let: The Impact of Real Estate Investors on Housing Costs and Neighborhoods.” The study examined a legal Dutch ban on buy-to-let or rental investments. Researchers studied home prices, sales, and the demographics of residents in areas with this law. “Our […]

Accessory Dwelling Units Grow in Popularity

The push for the 15-minute city is underway. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are becoming increasingly popular as cities across the globe are rezoning neighborhoods to permit additional properties to be built on the same land as existing homes. Some are now referring to these units as “backyard homes” as they are becoming a normalized part […]

Judaean Prutot /Widow Mites

The Biblical Widow’s Mite is among the most familiar, yet most mysterious, coins of antiquity. Truth be told, we don’t know exactly what it was since there are many issues of the Judaean Prutah. There were many issues which even included those of Pontius Pilate.

Coponius (A.D. 6 to 9)
Marcus Ambibulus (A.D. 9 to 12)
Annius Rufus (A.D. 12 to 15)
Valerius Gratus (A.D. 15 to 26)
Pontius Pilate (A.D. 26 to 36)
Marullus (A.D. 37 to 41)
Cuspius Dadus (A.D. 44 to 46)
Tiberius Alexander (A.D. 46 to 48)
Ventidius Cumanus (A.D. 48 to 54)
Antonius Felix (A.D. 52 to 60)
Porcius Festus (A.D. 60 to 62)
Albinus (A.D. 62 to 64)
Gessius Florus (A.D. 64 to 66)

The New Testament is where the widow’s offering is described in the Gospels of Mark (12:41-44) and Luke (21:1-4).

And he sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which make a farthing. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, “Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.” (Mark 12:41-44)

Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” (Luke 21:1-4)

In these memorable passages, the coins are described only as small and copper, with no further details as to their identification. This is not a surprise given the variety of issues of the Prutah. Many assume they may have been issues of the Judaean King Alexander Jannaeus (103-76 BC) simply because they are the most common. Certainly, they might have even been those as lat as Pontius Pilate.

15-Minute Cities Will Enslave the People “Make no mistake, it’s not about your convenience, and it’s not about saving the planet. It will be a complete impoverishment and enslavement of all the people,” German MEP Christine Anderson said regarding the push for 15-minute cities. She’s right. The 15-minute city is marketed as a futuristic town where everyone will live within […]