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Digital IDs Ramping Up in Australia

Australian federal Finance Minister, Senator Katy Gallagher, has introduced legislation for a national digital ID. The new program aims to create a single platform that unites a person’s identification documents and connects it with government services such as myGov, Centrelink, and the Australian Tax Office. The government claims that the digital ID will have strong […]

PRIVATE BLOG – The Coming Digital IDs

PRIVATE BLOG – The Coming Digital IDs Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit


The mainstream media does not want the West to know what is happening in China because the people would be frightened and begin to rebel. The media wants you to believe that China is “experimenting” with digital IDs that are linked to bank accounts and impacted by social credit scores, but they’re already there. TikTok […]

Fingerprint Cards AB – One BIG Step Closer to Digital IDs

The World Economic Forum (WEF) quietly partnered with Fingerprint Cards AB, the world’s leading biometrics company. The WEF has been discussing combining biometric data with financial services since at least 2016. Fingerprint Cards AB, based in Sweden, specializes in digital security and aims to make humans “the key to everything.” The company has installed programs […]

Europe’s Digital Decade – 2030

The year 2030 will mark the beginning of Europe’s “Digital Decade,” according to the European Union, where our data and personal interactions will be digitized. The European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC) will act as the legal foundation to assist member states in developing their own digital programs and objectives. The Digital Decade policy programme [sic] […]

Netherlands Promotes Digital ID at Davos

Queen Maxima of the Netherlands took to the Davos stage to declare that digital IDs are necessary for nearly every aspect of social engagement. The Dutch queen told the World Economic Forum (WEF) that they can no longer trust the people, and digital IDs will provide governments with a clear way to track our behavior. […]

Canada to Launch Digital Identity Program

Trudeau is pushing forth the Great Reset at any cost. Canada will impose a federal “Digital Identity Program” to help the World Economic Forum develop a global ID system. Since the COVID passports failed, they are outright demanding that everyone carry proof of their digital identity. Canada’s Digital Ambition 2022 report revealed the details of […]

The Failure of Gold in the Midst of Chaos

QUESTION: I have listened to the goldbugs for years. But it seems as though they always say the same thing that the dollar will crash because of debt, the stock market will crash and the only thing to survive is gold. But this advice has missed everything for years. I was told to listen to […]

Attorney General Held in Contempt of Congress

  The Rule of Law has been torn to pieces. The entire Justice System in the United States is rapidly becoming a joke internationally as we border on becoming indistinguishable from the Banana Republic, where the pretense of law is only the self-interest of those in power. In Plato’s classic work, you will find the […]

The London ECM Next Weekend

  We have reached a critical crossroads in the world economy. May 7th, 2024, was a profound turning point that changed the course of events as they are starting to unfold. We will be covering Europe, economically and geopolitically, and the rush for a war that will justify not just digital IDs, but capital controls; […]