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The Birth of the Federal Reserve Simplified (video)

The President Overtaking the Federal Reserve – BAD IDEA

I do not agree with Donald Trump’s view of the Federal Reserve. I speak on behalf of sound economic policies that benefit the people. I do not blindly support a political candidate for the sake of being on the right side. Now, I criticized Trump during his presidency for constantly pressuring the central bank to […]

Why We Should Not Blame the Federal Reserve

One piece of analysis commonly misconstrued is the Federal Reserve’s role in the nation’s economic health. Even those who have the ability to piece together other variables that often go unnoticed commonly point their finger at the Federal Reserve. No one is factoring in the largest driver of inflation – WAR – nor are they […]

Federal Reserve & Misconceptions

There is an onslaught of misinformation about the Federal Reserve from everything that it can go bankrupt, and the Treasury will become a second central bank, and of course, the Fed is really the cause of inflation and its balance sheet. The proposal by Janet Yellen to buy in long-term debt and swap it with […]

The Federal Reserve is Raising Rates – Get Used to It

The title speaks for itself. The Fed is going to continue raising rates until inflation shows notable improvement. Some still question whether the Fed will ease on its hawkish policies, but there is absolutely every indication to believe they will continue at full speed. Core PCE rose 4.9% in August from the year prior and […]

The Federal Reserve Cannot Combat Inflation Alone

Fed Chair Jerome Powell was notably frustrated when pressured about the Fed’s role in inflation. During his Q&A session this Wednesday, Powell plainly stated that the Federal Reserve alone could not combat inflation. It is far more complex than simply raising rates and hoping for the best. The Federal Reserve cannot increase the supply to […]

Did Manchin Just Save the Federal Reserve?

Once again Joe Manchin has broken away from party lines to prevent the Democrats from destroying the global economy. Manchin announced that he would not support President Biden’s pick for Fed chair, Sarah Bloom Raskin, as her personal views on climate change could drastically alter Fed policy. “I have carefully reviewed Sarah Bloom Raskin’s qualifications […]

People Blame the Federal Reserve & Never Politicians

Every now and again I get those stupid hate emails to blame the federal reserve and central banks for everything while NEVER once do they ever look at the history of central banks and how Congress has been manipulating the law changing the definition of what the Fed was even supposed to be. They do […]

Board Members Fleeing the Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve members are fleeing the central bank. We saw two Fed presidents resign in October amid scandal. Randal Quarles recently announced that he also plans to resign from the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors when his four-year term expires at the end of the year. Another position remains vacant as well. A third position […]

The Outage at the Federal Reserve

The outage of the National Settlement Service and the Fedwire Securities Service, which provides issuance, settlement, and transfer services for Treasuries and other government securities, was down and this has caused some concern and then conspiracy theories mixed in. The Fed made progress reversing the shutdown within a couple of hours, however, this has illustrated […]