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The Hope for the Future – We Will Make It There & Win

There is no change without the pain. You do not fix something that is not broken.  The grand facade will come down, and it will come to an end. Ursula von der Leyenis a mere UNELECTED puppet of the Globalists installed by Klaus Schwab. Her direction and policies have undermined Europe, and nothing has become […]

The Future According to the ECM

Trying to Save the Future – Redesigning Government

It took the Roman Empire about 314 years (Pi) to realize that it was just too big and complicated for one man to rule. The Tetrarchy was the system instituted by Roman emperor Diocletian (284-305AD) in 293 AD to govern the Empire by dividing it between two emperors, the augusti (presidents), and their junior colleagues […]

History is our Only Road Map to the Future

  Many people hated history class because they said it was just about a lot of wars and killing people. That was true of modern history, particularly, for they were teaching events – not how or why they took place in the broad context. History is so much more. It is a catalog of our […]

Forecasting the Future Based on the Past

COMMENT #1: I was there at your 2011 WEC. I was dragged along by a friend. I remember well your forecast for war starting in 2014 and your forecast that the Dow would go to 40,000. I thought you were crazy. I bet my friend $100 you would be wrong. I had to pay up. […]

Interview: The US Gov’t Will COLLAPSE, and WE Will Rebuild the Future America

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold & the Future – Long-Term

PRIVATE BLOG – Gold & the Future – Long-Term Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

PRIVATE BLOG – The Gold & the Future?

PRIVATE BLOG – The Gold & the Future? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

UN’s Plan to Rule the World – The Summit for the Future & End of Individualism

  Klaus Schwab is a control freak in how he runs the World Economic Forum. Make a single mistake and you are in trouble. Schwab seeks perfection and he is taking those ideas and seeking to indoctrinate the entire world. He has his young global leaders infiltrating governments around the world. We saw that in […]

Gold & the Future

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, first I want to thank you for your independent analysis. In gold, all they ever say is buy – buy – buy. It seems if you ever say anything else, they ridicule you. Gold to them is a religion, not an investment. My question is that you have always said that the […]