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White House Insists Media Praises Bidenomics

News outlets are circulating that the White House is “deeply frustrated” that the media is not glorifying the unseen success of Bidenomics. A source told the Hill that meetings are taking place to discuss how they can gaslight the public into believing that the Biden Administration has improved Americans’ financial situation. “The meetings are intended […]

Bidenomics FAILED

Government officials do not understand why Americans are disappointed with Bidenomics. Biden’s own team did not realize the term “Bidenomics” was intended to mock the president’s policies and they have adopted it as their own. “Bidenomics is about growing the economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down,” Joe Biden […]

Bidenomics & Vilification of Trump

  QUESTION: The general view is that Trump has turned the Republican Party into his Party – Trumpism. You seem to support Trump. Would would respectfully explain why? DH ANSWER: This is a very clever tactic by the Democrats to try to turn Republicans against the Republican Party and to vote for the Democrats while […]

It’s a Recession Not a Depression

The government insists that the economy is fine, thriving perhaps, and has asked the public to pay no mind to their current financial situation. No one, aside from those living off government assistance, are better off now than they were four years ago. Americans cannot be gas lit into believing the economy is sound when […]

June Jobs Report is WEAK

The June jobs report revealed better than anticipated results with 206,000 new jobs now added to the US economy. Is Bidenomics working? Absolutely not. The jobs reports are inflated because the Biden Administration has been multiplying the public sector. Of the 206,000 new jobs, 70,000 were created within government, surpassing the 49,000 government jobs created […]

Powell Pessimistic After Q1

Powell reiterated this week that he does not see any short-term need to lower interest rates. The Fed remains delicate in its speech to the public. They knew that inflation would continue rising due to various factors but had to say they were awaiting incoming data. The data is in for Q1 and nothing indicates […]

Why We Cannot Reach the Fed’s 2% Inflation Target

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) released on April 10 by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that inflation rose by 0.4% on a monthly basis and by 3.5% on the yearly. One must only look at their bills, items in the store, or open their eyes to see that the cost of living in […]

Alex Soros is a Nut Job – Implies Assassinating Trump

Anyone who does not know had better open their eyes. Alex Soros is FAR WORSE than his father – FAR WORSE than you can ever imagine. He lacks the school of hard knocks and is spoiled with money that has made him think he is Superman and above the law. This image of $47 and […]

TMobile Provides Government Access to Your Texts

(Click on above image for clear resolution) TMobile now has the authority to read your personal text messages. The mobile provider quietly updated their terms of conditions to monitor SHAFT (sex, hate, alcohol, firearms, and tobacco). The list of questionable categories may now be monitored by the Cellular Telephone Industries Association (CITA) as we move […]

Colorado Decision is Flat Outright Illegal

There is such a thing in the Federal Constitution known as the Supremacy Clause. No state statute can overrule the Constitution. These four judges have actually violated their oath of office, and this could easily rise to the level of Treason. I find it curious that the new Civil War film talks about war with […]