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Former Bill Gates’ Vaccine Scientist forecast

"What we will see is completely unprecedented in terms of magnitude of the wave of morbidity and unfortunately mortality…up to 30-40% in highly vaccinated countries." -Former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation vaccine scientist @GVDBossche on VSRF LIVE. — Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (@VacSafety) December 15, 2023 Our computer has forecasted this for post-2032: there […]

The Gates of Hell

I think Bill Gates will go down in history as in the list of the top 5 demons who have waged war against humanity. He represents what some call the Gates of Hell. Nobody will stop this guy; he is out to reduce the world’s population, no different than Hitler or Stalin. Nothing this guy […]

Bill Gates Destroying The Environment with Mosquitoes?

  I rank Bill Gates up there with Klaus Schwab and George Soros as one of the greatest threats, combined with others, that will fulfill our computer’s forecast projecting the decline & fall of Western Civilization post-2032 and the sharp decline in world population. That has been his family’s goal since creating Planned Parenthood to […]

Gates – Vaccines & Population Growth

Bill Gates simply cannot be this stupid. He is engaging in pure sophistry to sell his population-climate change agenda. The mistake people are making here is they are judging the third world by our way of life. Gates is claiming that we need to vaccinate everyone in the world so they will have a healthier […]

Is Bill Gates Really a Racist Using Climate Change as the Excuse to Depopulate Africa?

What is really amazing is that Bill Gates’ father has long been an alleged racist with Planned Parenthood targeting minorities. Eugenics has also been about improving the Anglo-Saxon/Scandinavian portion of the white race as being superior and the black race is the lowest. We are in this era of taring down statues of monumental of […]

Gates’ Eugenics End Goal – Population Control

What is truly amazing is how the mainstream media is so intent upon just accepting whatever Bill Gates says and his entire agenda without the slightest bit of investigation. They just hate Trump so intensely that they do not care what the agenda is behind Gates’ global assault on the economy, arguing we will never […]

Is Gates Stupid or Very Clever with Vaccines?

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong I was in a discussion with a friend about current affairs – me, against Bill Gates and the likes and him, taking a more neutral stance. He asked if I watched some or anything he actually said. I said yes, well at least what you have posted I have watched in […]

Bill Gates Has Been Controlling WHO

  We have a major crisis on our hands. Bill Gates is a VERY SERIOUS threat to not just the world economy, but to world peace. He has been using a loophole that allows health organizations to appear to be government agencies but are not independent and have been actually controlled by Gates. You will […]

Kamala’s Economic Plan Will Destroy the US Economy & Lead to Food Shortages

  Kamala Harris’ father was basically a radial communist. She is not far from her father’s ideas, any more than Bill Gates is different from his father’s fears of population when he created Planned Parenthood and stuck them in minority areas to reduce the population of blacks. No matter how many times Socialism has been […]

Democrat Tulsi Gabbard warns – Do Not Vote Democrat

  Tulsi Gabbard, who is a Democratic American politician, is also a United States Army Reserve officer who was a candidate in the 2020 Presidential Election, Lieutenant Colonel in the Unit United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command United States Army Reserve. She dares to speak out about the Neocons. Kamala would be […]