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Trust in Government – Data Aligns with ECM

Confidence in the very structure of the nation has been shaken amid this private wave where all trust in the government has been lost. A new Pew Research Center poll found that 72% of Americans believe the United States – the land of the free – is no longer a good example of democracy. Those […]

Did Real Estate Peak with the ECM in May 2024?

COMMENT: Marty, you are by far the greatest long-term forecaster ever. I worked on the floor in 2007 when the market crashed on the exact day of your ECM. Everyone called it Armstrong’s Revenge. That was the very day of the high in the Shiller Real Estate Index for 2007. I know you say the […]

The Future According to the ECM

Watch the London ECM Seminar

We would like to thank our invaluable AE community for gathering together in London for the Economic Confidence Model seminar. I heard some say that the annual event has become akin to a reunion of friends. It is indeed a distinct congregation of concurring intellects seeking truth. If you missed the seminar, there is still […]

London ECM Conference

Like to thank everyone for attending the London ECM Conference. We apologize that we were only able to accommodate a small audience. The venues in London are much smaller than what we can do in Orlando, It was so nice to be back in London after so many years.

The London ECM Seminar A Download for All Attendees Will Be Ready Soon

WEC London- Intro

The London ECM Next Weekend

  We have reached a critical crossroads in the world economy. May 7th, 2024, was a profound turning point that changed the course of events as they are starting to unfold. We will be covering Europe, economically and geopolitically, and the rush for a war that will justify not just digital IDs, but capital controls; […]

Putin Sworn in on ECM May 7th Target

  The Daily Mail Putin was inaugurated in the Palace of the old Czars. He at least proved that he (1) could walk, (2) did not require an Easter Bunny to guide him, and (3) he could read a complete sentence. I suppose that, in contrast to Biden, it is rather stunning. But in truth, […]

PRIVATE BLOG – The May 7th ECM Target

PRIVATE BLOG – The May 7th ECM Target Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

On the ECM and Why