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Trump vs Biden Debate – The Setup for Hillary

Welcome to the fix. CNN was proud to announce that this was the first debate to ever take place BEFORE each candidate was actually nominated by their respective parties. The reason for this was to set the stage for Democrats to move to replace Biden with Hillary. CNN moderators did an amazing job of being […]

G7 of Loseres Biden was a Major Embarrassment at G7 Opening Door for Hillary

What everyone is calling the G7 Gathering of all losers making crazy decisions for the world they do not have any respect or authority to do.   Zelenskyy had to get up to wake Biden in the middle of the G7 meeting. This only further illustrated that he would step down. Hillary will be drafted […]

Hillary Releases Merchandise Ahead of Endorsement

The Democrats are preparing to switch out the only candidate they have permitted to run. The mainstream media has begun reporting on Biden’s faults in a calculated move to prepare the public for the big switch. The Democrats believe Hillary Clinton is the only one who could beat Donald Trump. She secured the popular vote […]

Fed vs Treasury – Hillary vs Obama

COMMENT: A friend watched your interview on USAWatchdog, and his response was that you were wrong that the FED doesn’t need anyone to buy the debt. The FED can print as much money as Congress cares to spend. I was stunned that he did not comprehend that the FED is not the issuer of the […]

2024 Hillary vs Trump – Not Biden?

      The press is starting to actually report that Biden is losing it. This is how they float a balloon to see if it will fly. The August Democratic Convention has been rumored for some time that they will DRAFT someone else to replace Biden. He swore he would never debate Trump. This […]

Hillary: If Trump Wins it Will Be the End of All Elections

Hillary Clinton has a new scapegoat for her failed presidential elections – women. Women, or the 50% of the population, that many Democrats refuse even to define or acknowledge. While promoting her book, “The Fall of Roe: The Rise of a New America,” Clinton vocalized that losing the female vote potentially cost her the election. […]

Hillary for President

Hillary Clinton, who the young girls in our office call the Female Nazi who wanted to draft them,  said she believes President Biden’s age is a “legitimate” campaign issue since the special counsel’s report accusing him of being senile. Hillary told the leftist MSNBC station’s Alex Wagner: “I talked to people in the White House […]

Hillary Warning the Right Will Steal the 2024 Election

  If that were Trump, it would be another criminal indictment—America, where the propaganda remains indoctrination of children. “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,”  So, the Republicans are all far-right […]

Hillary Clinton Says Trump Supporters Need “Formal Deprogramming”

Donald Trump received 304 electoral votes in the 2016 US Presidential Election, beating Hillary Clinton who only received 227. She harbors extreme resentment toward not only Trump but those who cast him on the ballot over her. The Democrats have repeatedly called “MAGA extremists” domestic terrorists and the largest threat to national security. Clinton has […]

Hillary’s New Class at Columbia to Train Future Neocons

LEARN HOW TO: Destroy entire nations Mass-kill children with sanctions Assassinate a head of state Aem ‘moderate’ terrorists Fabricate McCarthyite lies Court nuclear Armageddon War