This year may be our last World Economic Conference for the real agenda is to prevent international travel. This year, we had to cancel of Shanghai WEC and our Frankfurt Germany WEC thanks to this contrived pandemic intended to crush the world economy in order to “Build it Back Better” as all these world leaders are declaring. We will go over the real agenda behind “You will own nothing and be happy” for this is the consequence of the collapse of Keynesian Economics which has rendered central banks impotent.
Because our Orlando Conference is going to be restricted in size, we are going to do a live stream around the world. We have capped this year’s event at 25,000 attendees globally. Everyone attending the World Economic Conference in person and virtually will be entitled to these 12 reports. This will make those attending virtually easier to have the documentation.
We have tried to cover the entire world includ9ing Africa and South America.
Those who actually attend the Orlando session will receive an autographed copy of the Cycle of War.