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Supporting the Deep State by Silence

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Deep State 1

COMMENT: I find it hypocritical that in the USA, the mainstream media and others who refuse to acknowledge your accomplishments publicly are not trustworthy. Anyone who refuses to recognize you and Socrates is part of the Deep State. You say the facts. They hate the messenger and prefer to hide the truth.


Decline Fall

ANSWER: I understand. I get this a lot. It becomes evident that if they acknowledge my work and Socrates, they have to recognize the US attempted a regime change in Russia in 2000, and that was not only why Putin came to power, but it has been why they hate him so much because he thwarted their scheme. That was the entire reason behind RussiaGate by Hillary, which wasted tens of millions of dollars claiming Putin influenced the 2016 election. The system would not have been worth saving if Putin had changed the outcome with a few hundred thousand dollars.


Look, these people are out of control. They reversed the Romanian election and are saying they could do the same in Germany if they dare to vote against what the EU wants. These people who refused to recognize Socrates are traitors to civilization and are pushing their agenda even by their silence.

If these people acknowledge what they did to me, they must recognize what they tried to accomplish and why we are still headed into World War III. So anyone who tries to ignore me is indeed in cahoots with the Deep State and ultimately only ensuring the decline and fall of the USA for 2032.