Switzerland has started 2nd wave on soft side = wearing masks in public transportation + quarantine when traveling back from 29 countries (incl. US, RU, Sweden, Israel..). Governments are using this virus which is no more deadly than the flu to impose restraints on commerce in preparation for what is in truth the Monetary Crisis Cycle.
Governments realize that they have reached the point of no return when it comes to debt. The ECB moved rates to negative in 2014 and after 6 years of total failure of Keynesian Economics, they are confronted with the realization that the global debt system and socialism are collapsing.
They are hoping to use the virus, destroy jobs that are related to fossil fuels, and compensate people with guaranteed basic income which is minimal. Welcome to the new real NORM!
List of countries and areas with an increased risk of infection
- Argentinien
- Armenien
- Aserbaidschan
- Bahrain
- Belarus
- Bolivien
- Brasilien
- Cabo Verde
- Chile
- Dominikanische Republik
- Honduras
- Irak
- Israel
- Katar
- Kolumbien
- Kosovo
- Kuwait
- Moldova
- Nordmazedonien
- Oman
- Panama
- Peru
- Russland
- Saudi-Arabien
- Schweden
- Serbien
- Südafrika
- Turks- und Caicos-Inseln
- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika