Please note that we are NOT in any way affiliated with any other analyst whatsoever. Everything we do is original. We have databases that no one else has, and the only real artificial intelligence system that has broken beyond mimicking human reasoning and bias. You cannot accomplish these forecasts alone without global contacts and offices everywhere. This sets the record clear that we do not provide info to any other analyst to make forecasts nor do we allow others to use our databases. We have on a case by case basis allowed some publications to show our monetary system charts of Rome, Greece, Venice, etc. We allow others on a case by case basis to reprint our charts or to link to our sites for particular pieces for educational purposes. We do not participate in any such promotions to raise money nor charge for personal guided advice.
Notice: We are Not in Affiliation with ANY other Analyst
Posted Oct 23, 2015 by Martin Armstrong |
Understanding Cycles
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