QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Nickolas Tesla’s work agrees with your analysis. He said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Has he been an influence in what you do?
Thank you
ANSWER: No. I have not looked at Tesla’s work only because it is fundamental to everything. If you find the right frequency, you can shatter a glass. Therefore, I did not find it necessary to investigate Tesla’s work. Of course, it was critical but that statement was not earth-changing.
Nonetheless, the far more interesting statement of Tesla is not the obvious one that everything has a frequency. It was his statement that when science explores the “non-physical phenomenon, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
In this respect, I agree with Tesla. You have to dig deeper than traditional science explores. Once you begin to see the entire universe is governed by the 8.6 frequency, the doors to a hidden order spring wide open.