QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you were friends with Milton Friedman. Do you agree with his view that the Great Depression was caused in part by the Fed refusing to...
Asia: Despite the global sanctions imposed on North Korea, China continues to work towards its own benefit. It was revealed that China has opened yet another border...
It is time that We the People demand reform in the Judicial System. Enough is enough. Former US army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning has been thrown into...
QUESTION: Did China also send troops to Venezuela? What do you make of that? GW ANSWER: Yes. This is part of the fallout from the Democrats attacking the Russians...
The EU has been unable to agree on taxing the internet. As a result, Austria went ahead and passed its own digital tax this week on revenues earned by online...
QUESTION: Did insurance companies just declare bankruptcy during the 1930s to escape liabilities? PD ANSWER: Personally, I have NEVER had an insurance policy that...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) have demanded recounts in 39 districts that they lost and have prevailed on...
The German economy is what holds up Europe. The data on the industrial sector in Germany is out and it has disappointed everyone once again with production dropping...
It actually snowed in London this past April. Heavy snow caused sheer chaos across much of the UK. The snow and hail even hit London where it rarely ever...
Asia: Chinese Vice President Liu backed by his delegation stated that a new consensus has been reached after yesterday’s meeting with President Trump. The two...