PRIVATE BLOG – Gold reached $1415.40 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I am a Muslim and I have just read you War Cycle report from 2015 where you provide your forecast for this crisis we are cascading into. You...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you are the only person who forecasts gold without bias. How will gold respond to the war rattling with Iran? PD ANSWER: They will always...
Draghi has come out and said that is inflation will not pick up, he will do even more Quantitative Easing. I warned that the central banks, particularly the ECB,...
ASIA / AUSTRALIA: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un will hold talks with Chinese President Xi. President Xi arrived in North Korea’s capital, Pyongyang, in the...
I have finished an important book which is just going off to press now for printing. This is an important work on how the central banks are trapped and how...
The news of Iran downing a US drone was circulating in the Middle East before it hit the news wires. It was actually shot down at 7:35 pm New York time on Wednesday...
PRIVATE BLOG – Gold & The Pop to 1397 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more,...
QUESTION: I am confused. Is it true that only the Federal Reserve can create money and not the Treasury? HB ANSWER: It all depends upon your definition of money....
QUESTION: Central banks around the world are currently purchasing equities. If they continue to purchase equities, will we ever have a significant market downturn...