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Market Talk – June 11, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: In Hong Kong over a million people attended a demo today to protest the recent ruling which will allow extradition to China; with those...

AOC & Buffett Think Alike?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) attacked corporate politics, influence, and greed. She echoed Warren Buffett who recently told shareholders that if a bank needs a...

Calgary Vacancy Rate Still near Record Highs – Sorry, Calgary is closing

The environmentalists have really gutted Alberta which was an economy based upon commodities. With that industry under assault, the economy has been decline....

How the Rich Make Their Money

  QUESTION: Good Sir, When you say the ‘rich get rich by investments, not wages’ you fail to identify the following wealthy class. CEO’s of corporations,...

Market Talk – June 10, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: President Trump has told CNBC (US) that he believes China will make a deal with the U.S. because they “will have to.” He also reiterated that...

Is Trump Trying to Prevent China’s Rise with Tariffs?

QUESTION: Martin, You said that China will become the financial capital of the world by 2032. Why do you think that what Trump is doing to China with tariffs and...

Reversals & Timing

QUESTION: Martin, Good morning. I would first like to thank you again for the Socrates service. It has provided me with a lot more confidence in my decisions as a...

Will Canada Participate in the Shift from Public to Private?

QUESTION: Martin, Will Canadian equities due to Canada’s economy being integrated with the USA participate in the coming worldwide shift from public to...

The Future – Which Door to Enter

QUESTION: Good day Mr. Armstrong, I have been a student of yours since 2001 and am always amazed at your work. I am not one that can afford to go to your seminars,...

China – the Financial Capital of the World After 2032

QUESTION: Marty, You keep stating that the center of Finance will move to China. However, the world distrusts China, rightly so. How can they become the Financial...