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Where to Live in the Meltdown?

QUESTION: Marty, Tks for all your help and free education services. When the 3rd world is crushed in USD denominated debt and there is a world currency reset after...

Do Sanctions Ever Work?

QUESTION: Hello, with all the talk of sanctions in the news against North Korea and Iran, have sanctions against a country ever worked? Aren’t they a pretext that...

BIS – The Central Bank of Central Banks

  QUESTION: Could you please tell us more about the bank of the national banks (BIS) located in Swiss? Many thanks for your information. I love to read your...

Market Talk – June 4, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: The U.S. reacted to China’s claim that the “U.S. applying too much pressure” to the deal by stating China is playing a “blame game” by...

What Comes After Trump is What We Need to be Concerned About

QUESTION: You said you are worried about what comes after Trump you mean after the next four years right? There is no way Trump can lose this election right? Thank...

When Will Interest Rates Rise?

QUESTION: In the recent past you have spoken about rising interest rates in the USA being imminent. Just wondering where we stand on that front as rates have been...

The Endless Hunt for Taxes

QUESTION: Martin – Just read your latest on, regarding taxation. I think the most basic, simplistic explanation you can put forward about...

Market Talk – June 3, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: There has been hardly any progress regarding the U.S.-Chinese trade deal. On Sunday, Chinese officials and trade negotiators warned the U.S. of...

Global Warming – Just Follow the Money

I just returned from New York City, the armpit of the world since I never saw an apple tree there yet, and I had a very interesting meeting behind the curtain. I...

Millennials Saddled with Student Loans that Prevents them from Becoming Homeowners

New findings are out from the New York Federal Reserve that reveal a troubling outlook for millennials who have now reached over US$1 trillion of debt, but the...