A number of Americans have asked if they need a visa to visit Rome based upon the rumor that Europe will require visas. No, that begins in 2021. Americans will NO...
QUESTION: You said Socrates has been back tested. What did it write technical the day of the high in 1929? PO ANSWER: It has learned from all the data globally....
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your movie the Forecaster was on TV here in Scandinavia. That introduced me to your research. When I discovered your film was on TV in...
The British had a long tradition of striking tokens for political purposes. There were political tokens against the American Revolution. Some pictured Thomas Paine...
We are progressing in uploading all the memory modules. Soon, we will have all modules plugged in. I had an interesting meeting with one institution. One CFO still...
Hong Kong’s intervened to support the Hong Kong dollar for the first time since August 2018 after the exchange rate fell to the lower end of its trading band...
Asia: A down day for all the major Asian stock markets due to the weak China trade data. Chinese exports for the month of February decreased from 9.1% to -20.7%....
COMMENT: Marty…: My respected Australian broker in Sydney, to my horror today, has, for the first time, just asked me to supply the USA Internal Revenue...
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I want to thank you. My parents died and left me their home in Naples, Florida. I was going to sell it but after reading you and the fact...
The biggest potential scandal that would take place is the consistent cover-up of the way New York courts have been used to strip any competitor in the financial...