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Trump the Person v the President

QUESTION: I know you do not support Trump as an individual. It seems most Americans cannot look at this political crisis as detached as you do. They seem to think...

Market Talk- September 6, 2018

Another weak day across the board, starting in Asia and spreading west. There are ongoing concerns about emerging markets and the additional leverage being used...

Is Speaker Paul Ryan Part of the Conspiracy Against Trump?

The fact that House Speaker Paul Ryan said he doesn’t see a role for Congress in investigating the identity of the author of a New York Times op-ed,...

Another Deep Earthquake Hits in Pacific

There has been another major 7.8 deep earthquake again in the Pacific.  There was a serious earthquake yesterday in Japan. This is all in our period for a rise in...

How Long Can Trump Survive? The NY Times Aids the Deep State

There has never been a President of the United States who is so hated by the political establishment which is absolutely determined to remove him from office,...

France’s Dream of Europe without NATO

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The French have never been real supporters of America and NATO. They have always wanted to be seen as a world power since Charles DeGaul....

Emerging Market Debt Crisis – A Reality Check

QUESTION:  Hello Martin … I follow emerging markets closely and one thing I note is that the size of the sovereign forex-denominated debt burdens are quite...

Market Talk- September 5, 2018

The uncertainty continued from the US back into Asia this morning resulting in more Asian selling. Although core Chinese markets are light on volume, the concerns...

Don’t Cry for Me Argentina – It’s a Global Debt Crisis

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Our government here in Argentina has told us we should expect more poverty and there is no hope for the future. Socrates has been amazing...

Napoleon was Defeated by Volcanoes

QUESTION: I recently read that the weather defeated Napoleon created by a Volcanic Winter in 1815. It seems to have lined up with your chart on the decline in the...