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Silicon Valley Experiencing Net Migrations Outward

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I believe the next migration out of California is now also impacting Silicon Valley. Do you see elements of this moving to Austin Texas as...

Typhoon Jebi Hit Japan with Amazing Force

Market Talk- September 4, 2018

For much of the day, Asia was trading flat to a touch weaker. However, the core recovered into the close with renewed confidence that US and China would soon settle...

Foreigners Selling UK Debt as Hard BEXIT appears

Foreign investors have been withdrawing on a large scale from British government bonds since July when the Conservatives seems to be splitting. Bank of England...

Cryptocurrency Scam?

There are way too many cryptocurrencies out there and even if we accept the theory that ONE will survive and become mainstream, what happens to the rest? This is...

Mueller is Conspiring to Overthrow Trump & How to Stop Him

Mueller has conspired with others in the Deep State to take down Donald Trump as President. The way they do that is, in fact, to prosecute absolutely everyone...

Market Talk – September 3rd, 2018

  Always a quiet day when a major market is closed and we saw that today. Asia traded weak all day as it responded to news that the US and Canada are yet to...

Trump Tries to Deal with the Pension Crisis

  Most small businesses do not offer retirement plans because the excessive regulation which drives the costs significantly higher. Trump’s new Executive...

John McCain’s Funeral Converted to a Career Politician Opportunity to bash Trump

John McCain’s funeral turned into a political event where career politicians did nothing but used the opportunity to bash Trump. The hatred these people are...

Civil Unrest for 2018/2019 Post Election Cycle – The End of the United States?

QUESTION: I have followed you for many years and read you daily. To the point, I was looking at the riots in LA 1n 1965 and then the riots in 1992, that being 27...