You can feel it in the air. We are heading into the collapse of government and a violent civil war because hatred is rising dramatically. The government is no...
Physicians were unable to reach a consensus on whether or not Brexit should take place. The Allergists were in favor of scratching it, but the Dermatologists...
Asia: The topic for 2019 has certainly been the US-China trade negotiations. Today indicated the matter is far from solved. Negotiations are still ongoing...
The Yellow Vest anti-government movement (#YellowVests, #GiletsJaunes) began in France on November 17, 2018, when over 300,000 people across France protested a...
By cross-referencing tree-ring data and coral core samples, a team of researchers have revealed that Australia suffered the worst drought in history before the...
As there is a drive to eliminate cash, police are engaging in illegal search and seizures of debit cards. More and more businesses are refusing to accept cash,...
Asia: As the majority of the major markets are closed, the Nikkei yet again took central focus. The Nikkei moved up 60 bps as we saw capital flows move into...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Standard Chartered has forecast that Russia will overtake Germany as the world’s fifth largest economy, possibly as early as next...
The reality these days is that more than 50% of older workers are pushed out of their longtime jobs before they choose to retire. The major factor in this trend is...