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Who is the Fool? The Borrower or the Lender?

Many people worry about over-indebtedness and point to a default of borrowers. It is interesting how the view of debt is always the low-life borrower. In reality,...

Merkel Objects to France’s Vision of a EU Finance Minister

Chancellor Angela Merkel has rejected France’s Macron’s proposal for the establishment of a euro finance minister. Merkel has also stated that she wants...

Short-term v Long-term Forecasting Earthquakes

There is a site that is doing short-term Earthquake forecasts who has a very good track record known as Dutchsinse. He has a very good track record for forecasting...

Second Earthquake in One Day Hits Lombok, Indonesia

  Another earthquake hit now in Indonesia but this was a 6.9 and much shallower. It has resulted in a landslide from Mount Rinjani after another earthquake...

Fiji Earthquake 8.2 – More to Come?

COMMENT: Ok, this time you were wrong. A major earthquake hit Fiji on the 19th, not the 20th and CNN reported it 3 hours ago which followed your post 8 hours ago....

Earthquake & Volcanoes for August/September 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; In Singapore who warned that there would be continued volcanic activity in the Pacific and that the peak in 2018 appeared to be coming...

Erdogan Has His Boys Out Burning only $1 Bills for Propaganda   Erdogan has his boys dressed in suits burning only a handful of US ONE DOLLAR bills as a nice propaganda piece....

PRIVATE BLOG – Dow for the Week of August 20th

PRIVATE BOG – Dow Jones Industrials for the Week of August 20th, 2018 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for...

The British Pound & The Conservative Split

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, It seems that the conservatives have split into two parties here. It is the same nonsense that they pulled to overthrow Margaret Thatcher....

Will Inflation Return to the Eurozone?

There are three distinct types of inflation – Demand, Asset & Currency. The major type of inflation that everyone assumes is DEMAND. This unfolds when...