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Global Warming Hits London

It actually snowed in London this past April. Heavy snow caused sheer chaos across much of the UK.  The snow and hail even hit London where it rarely ever...

Market Talk – April 5, 2019

Asia: Chinese Vice President Liu backed by his delegation stated that a new consensus has been reached after yesterday’s meeting with President Trump. The two...

Why Has Everything Turned Sour? Is it the Press? Or is the Press Part of the Cycle?

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I´d like your opinion on this, During 7 Decades in which our lives got better, longer, richer, safer, healthier, better educated,...

Is Gold Still Liquid in Bullion Form?

QUESTION: Hi Martin– Thank you for your daily blog. I read it first thing each morning. Regarding the bank liquidity problems with the Eurozone banks: would...

Most British Now Just Want to Leave with NO DEAL – Get out while they can the polls show

Perhaps there is some new plague that only affects politicians on a global scale. It seems no matter what country we look at, it is simply going completely insane...

Market Talk – April 4, 2019

Asia: MIT university announced today that they have terminated funding and research links with China’s Huawei and ZTE. The decisions comes amid ongoing tensions...

Market Talk – April 3, 2019

Asia: The U.S. and China are reportedly growing closer to a final trade agreement. The news caused the Shanghai composite to move up 1.24%. A White House economic...

Canadian Extremists Want to Sue all the Oil Companies for Causing Climate Change

In Canada, the left is urging lawsuits against oil companies to force them to pay for all the damage to the climate. Honestly, the oil companies should announce...

Federal Judge Orders the Torture of Chelsea Manning – U.S. Violates Human Rights

  One of the most ruthless and unconstitutional powers federal judges have is to throw people into contempt until they break. The press NEVER reports the truth...

Basel III – IMF – Liquidity Crisis

QUESTION: As of today, Basel III comes in effect. Rumour goes that in a couple of months, there will be a lot of turmoil on the market and it would be the start of...