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Climate & Hunt for Taxes

The leaked UN climate report is very alarming. They are using linear analysis as always and disregard any nonlinear cyclical data. They are urging that a major...

Euro Members to INCREASE debt before the ECB stops buying!

  Reliable sources are reporting that the European member states are going to rush out debt to try to lock in the low-interest rates before they start to rise...

Angela Merkel Down for the Count?

Angela Merkel has been effectively overthrown over the refugee open-door policy and we may see this officially in a matter of weeks by 07/02 or the week of 07/09....

Is Draghi Really Ending QE?

Mario Draghi said the euro-area economy is strong enough to overcome increased risk,  and therefore this justifies the European Central Bank’s decision to end...

Malaysia Looking to file Lawsuit Against Goldman Sachs?

May was an important turning point in Southeast Asia. The corruption that has engulfed the previous Malaysian government centered around a sovereign wealth fund...

Singapore WEC 2018

We want to thank everyone for a great WEC in Southeast Asia and the venue was excellent. The turn of events in the Malaysian peninsula were right on schedule with...

California Dreaming & Separatist Movement

On the November election in California, enough signatures were gathered just over 400,000 to put a question on the ballot – should California be split into...

Giving Up your DNA to Anyone – Bad Idea

The pitch by various ancestry operations is to send in your DNA by spitting into a vile and they will tell you your ethnic background. Sounds nice, but they then...

Netflix Signs Barack and Michelle Obama

  I mentioned before that Netflix had originally wanted to air The Forecaster movie, and then all of a sudden they refused because of politics. Well, now...

Market Talk- June 15, 2018

  Markets always seem to be waiting for something and even today it appears they were concerned about the BOJ and then later the US/China Trade Talks. The...