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PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Market

PRIVATE BLOG – US Share Market Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Paris Riots Take Over the Champs-Elysees

Paris on Saturday saw a second major uprising of Yellow Vest protests. Many are now arguing that the rioting on the Champs-Elysees has been instigated by extreme...

The Justice Democrats

People have no idea that the Justice Democrats really stand for injustice. Their platform is the subjugation of everyone who disagrees and to force their beliefs...

It’s Mueller Time!

While the Democrats and Trump haters were desperately counting on Mueller’s report, anyone with a shred of common sense would have known there would not be...

Nigel Farage to Address the Audience at the WEC May 3rd Rome

With the significance of everything taking place in Europe, we are extremely pleased to announce that Nigel Farage will address the audience at our World Economic...

Market Talk – March 18, 2019

Asia: Huawei, the Chinese smartphone maker, said the company will look at building its own OS as a plan B if a ban is extended to US-based Google and Microsoft. A...

Nigel Farage to Address the WEC in Rome May 3rd & 4th

Special thanks to Nigel Farage for speaking at the Rome WEC, or in his words, "The alternative to...

Britain – Hard Exit or Cancellation of BREXIT

  After months of political deadlock, the House of Commons voted by 413-202 last week to ask the EU to delay Britain’s exit. Prime Minister May has...

German Government Approves a Merger of Banks

Deutsche Bank and Commerce Bank have announced that they will begin merger talks after the government has finally approved that they can lay off workers. For those...

Global Recession & Hard Landing

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it is becoming very obvious that we are headed into a recession here in Europe. I have never felt how ominous things seem as they do right...