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The Coming Mini Ice Age & Cyclical Movement of the Tropics Belt Itself

We have the most sophisticated and diverse client base than probably any institution covering more than 100 countries. Our business has been constructed upon one...

Der Spiegel Suspends Two Senior Editors for Not Catching Fake News

The major influential German news weekly, Der Spiegel, has suspended two of its senior editors following the scandal involving a reporter Claas Relotius admitted...

Why Does the Fed Need to Raise Rates?

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong I would like first to thank u for all the good information u give to us i have just a question : why do u write the fed need to...

Martin Luther & New Revelations About the Bible

Many people argue about various theories of the Bible. There is one major issue that is rarely ever discussed. The original Bible was written primarily in...

Private Blog: The Bounce for Year-End in Share Market

PRIVATE BLOG – The Bounce for Year-End in Share Market Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to...

Why do Cycles Work?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your analysis is really remarkable. When the Dow was making new highs in October you said it was not breaking out. Then you said it would...

Death Toll from Cold Doubles & Its Not Over Yet

As the fake academics keep pushing the Global Warming scenarios because that justifies more taxes and they are rewarded with endless grants, I have warned that it...

Comets as Omens & Star of Bethlehem

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The ancients seem to have attributed the appearance of a comet to important events like the death of Julius Caesar and the birth of...

Trump v the Federal Reserve

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; A spectacular call. You gave the day and the market bottomed within 100 points of your number. You always nail it. I find it curious how...

December 25th & Holidays

QUESTION: Hi Marty. I was wondering if you knew about the ancient Roman holidays? I was wondering if they had a big commercialized Holiday like Christmas but pagan...