The 2019 Canadian Outlook Report is particularly interesting this year with the Federal elections coming into play in October 2019. This year, capital flows are...
I wanted to write an obituary for a friend who I would go down to Capitol Hill to see — Walter Jones. He was a Republican but someone who would vote based...
The politicians have a golden rule. When the courts prevent them from raising a tax, they call it something else to impose it. Massachusetts, the bastion of...
There is a serious question that no one wants to address. How did Al Gore create the global warming scare and earn hundreds of millions of dollars in the process?...
Asia: The Asian markets had another good day today with the Nikkei increasing 1.34%. This puts the 12-month rolling value at minus 5 bps. Compare this to the...
COMMENT: Hi Marty, As with so many others, I am very appreciative of your writing and am seeing your predictions come true as chaos piles up. Most recently, here in...
Part of the cycle for a commodity boom is typically preceded by a commodity depression in which the productive capacity is reduced. We are witnessing that in the...
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; You are the only one with your computer that has correctly forecast the weather years in advance. I understand these are not some...
Asia: A stellar day all-around in Asia, but the Japanese markets enjoyed the majority of the region’s gains. The Nikkei 225 shot up 2.61% today – playing...
There is a new and very serious data scandal rising up with iPhones that Apple is being asked to shutdown. There are a number of major companies who are now...