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Yellowstone – The Supervolcano When is It Due?

Yellowstone Supervolcano geyser Steamboat has been unusually active. Many fear that something strange is happening which may signal it is getting active once again...

The Big Chill

They are calling it the “Big Chill” because we have just had two years of really Global Cooling. The NASA data has shown that the last two years have...

BIG BANG is Here and Ticking

QUESTION:  Dear Marty, due to 5,000-year lows in interest rates, in 2011 the US was able to triple the debt but keep the payments the same as in 1998. With...

Market Talk- May 9th, 2018

Asian markets were in two minds whether to follow energy prices or industrial metals after the news from Washington yesterday. The Nikkei (-0.4%) interpreted it as...

The Souvenirs of Public Political Executions?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I believe you mentioned at one of the conferences that the Chinese dragged a member of their high court out into the square and set him on...

Why National Debts Eventually Default

  QUESTION: If governments have been borrowing without limit since world war 2, are you saying that there is some line that is cross in debt to GDP that...

Has Draghi Just Lost It?

QUESTION: Why are long-term yields on risky European debt below that of US Treasuries? Is this the European bubble madness? HN, Frankfurt ANSWER: This is...

Market Talk- May 8th, 2018

Although we await US President Trump’s Iran Nuclear address later this afternoon, Asian markets still closed better bid across the boards. Most of this was...

Has the Dollar Turned?

QUESTION: You models called for a rally in the pound sterling into April and it seems like that is spot on. We did bounce off of the 144 level.  In your year-end...

Can US Russian Sanctions Start A Financial Crisis?

The US sanctions against Russia are pointless and are placing the West at risk the politicians are too stupid to even comprehend. Already, some Russian companies...