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Is the Vertical Market Over or Just Beginning?

QUESTION: Thanks for the update. So it looks like the Vertical Market in the Dow will extend into the end of this cycle 2032 as you warned it could do. Correct? EK...

The Dollar is Not Dead After All?

  CLICK ON CHART It is amazing how people have simply declared that the dollar is in a perpetual bear market as if the USA is the only nation with a debt. They...

Private Blog – The EURO – Has the Dollar Rally Begun?

Private Blog – The EURO – Has the Dollar Rally...

Market Talk- May 7, 2018

Shanghai was the star performer today, gaining 1.5% as moves to open the domestic market continues to progress. New rules that will allow overseas listed companies...

EU Demand Germany Pay More to Make Up for BREXIT

  The EU Commission is calling on Germany to pay up to €12 billion more annually into the EU’s pocket for the European budget. With Brexit, there...

Has War Become Obsolete?

  Of course, nobody comes close to the United States on military spending. Nonetheless, India has now surpassed France bumping it from the list of the big five...

Influence – Meetings & Conspiracies As Always

COMMENT: I saw you in front of the Bank of England. Then within a matter of days, the pound crashes. You may not be a household name but you are in the...

Argentina Raises Interest Rates to Support Currency

  Argentina has just raised interest rates to 40% trying to support the currency. I have explained many times that interest rates follow a BELL-CURVE and by no...

Erdogan Recalls Gold Reserves from New York Fed – Is He Preparing for War?

The Turkish government has withdrawn its reserves of gold from the Federal Reserve. Erdogan clearly is positioning himself to be able to seek its own power that...

UAE Drops VAT on Gold

The UAE government came under tremendous pressure by the dealers that the VAT was killing their business. The government has responded dropping the VAT (Sales Tax)...