QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; When you were here last giving lectures in Poland, you said that we should leave the EU, retain our currency, and focus on our ties to the...
The rumor mill has been hot concerning Malaysia and Goldman Sachs for the past two years. As it was turning into a criminal investigation Lyod Blankfein...
A mixed session in Asia with most players watching the oil price decline which tended to unnerve many markets. The Shanghai index climbed from early negative prices...
China has scored a real first and it may be an answer to the FAKE NEWS problem in the United States and Europe. A TV anchor has joined a Chinese news agency who is...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your take on the midterm elections is that the Democrats really failed and simply won a symbolic victory? Thank you IE ANSWER: Yes. The...
Italy is arguing that it will retain its budget and refers to how both France and Germany exceeded their budgets and the Commission disregard the Maastricht treaty...
In Germany, the SPD is now pushing for a revolution in Europe for all member states to surrender their sovereignty to Brussels. They are arguing to federalize...
In Florida, the vote was very close. Ron DeSantis got nearly 40,000 more votes than socialist Andrew Gillum in the Florida governor’s race. Then Rick...
In France, things are not much better. Emmanuel Macron, the current president of the French Republic, has collapsed in popularity from 57% to just starting to break...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I had always heard that Kennedy made a fortune on Scotch. My question is, where they booze runners during the Prohibition? Thank you GR...