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Is the Whole World Just Arguing for the Sake of Arguing?

In the programming world, Activists from the feminist and LGBTQIA+ communities have been trying to force the Linux project to join their Contributor...

Now We have Caused the Earth to Shift – We Humans Cause Everything

Ok, it is time to all hold hands and jump up and down a few times to set the Earth back in line. The latest is that since 1899, humans are now also causing the...

Market Talk- October 5, 2018

The draconian fear of rising rates being bad for stocks, was flushed through into Asia this morning with all core markets trading heavy. The Nikkei lost nearly 1%,...

Forget New Zealand – You Must Give Your Password & Pin to your Phone So Customs Can Search it When you Land

Ever since the Socialists took over New Zealand, it demonstrates how they presume everyone is guilty and they might be hiding money that they can confiscate all...

Solar Minimum Correlates with Volcanoes & Earthquakes

QUESTION: I live in Indonesia. I am amazed that the entire world is not known on your door. I understand that your model puts everything together and provides a...

September the Coldest Month in a Decade – Must be Global Warming

It is not looking very good for the winter ahead. A reader from Calgary sent this picture in about the early snowfall up there. Indeed, Calgary just experienced...

Market Talk- October 4, 2018

The FED was blamed for stopping yesterdays US rally in equities and has had a similar effect in Asia. Jerome Powell commented that they are a long way from neutral...

Draining the Swamp & Why the New York Times is Trying to Overthrow Trump

There has never been any president who has been so attacked and hated by the media in the history of the nation. Now the New York Times has done a piece claiming...

Understanding the New Age of Inflation

QUESTION: As an avid reader of your daily BLOG, I’m well aware of the attempt to abolish cash, potential freezing of bank accounts, years of negative or near...

To Live a Creative Life We Cannot Fear Being Wrong

QUESTION: Why do academics refuse to revise history when they are clearly wrong? This seems to be the same issue with their research on Global Warming. YK ANSWER:...