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How the Euro Will Be Killed by Politicians

The man who is killing the Euro as a viable currency is none other than Donald Franciszek Tusk who is a Polish politician who has been the President of the...

Gary Cohn Resigns from Trump Administration – Good Riddance!

The drop in the market yesterday was widely attributed to Gary Cohn resigning from the Trump Administration over his tariff policy. That must be a real shock...

Private Bog – Dow for March 7th, 2018

Private Blog – Dow for March 7th, 2018 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Market Talk- March 7th, 2018

Gary Cohn’s resignation, although highly rumoured yesterday, was to have a negative effect on all markets once confirmed. The Asian indices held in initially, but...

Canada Covering Up Global Warming Nuts Destroying the Water Supply

COMMENT:  When Government turns on its own citizens. Good day, Martin; This climate change movement here in Ontario, Canada has gone too far. Construction of...

Government Always Needs an Enemy & Will Always Respond the Same to a Given Set of Facts

COMMENT: Hey Marty, With regard to South Africa reclaiming farmers land. Capetown is in severe drought conditions, the water there will be shut off to its 4 million...

Climate Change – Catastrophic or Linear Slow Progression?

Indeed, science was turned on its head after a discovery in 1772 near Vilui, Siberia, of an intact frozen woolly rhinoceros, which was followed by the more famous...

Market Talk- March 6th, 2018

  Asia was very happy to see the US markets rally yesterday and responded with a strong performance themselves. News that the fear of trade wars may have faded...

Putin’s Address to the Nation & the World

  Putin’s address on March 1st to the Federal Assembly seems to have sparked a lot of crazy emails with people talking nonsense about things they do not...

Italian Elections – Another Nail in the Coffin of Brussels?

The Italian election results are in and once again it demonstrates that correlating economics with voting, you end up with a far more accurate forecast. Trying to...