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Market Talk- September 18, 2018

  The much anticipated and some would say, over expected, tariffs were announced after the US markets closed yesterday (Monday). The DOW had already dipped...



USA Declares it is not Subject to International Law

The United States is on a major confrontational course with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. The White House National Security Adviser, John...

Deodand – Civil Asset Forfeiture Violate Every Principle of Human Rights & Civilization

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; As a Canuck, I was shocked to come to realize that our Canadian government is confiscating the property of innocent people following the...

Australia Drought Sends Kangaroos invading Cities

Kangaroos are invading the Capital of Australia as the drought has created a food shortage. The “roos” have been invading the cities and they like to...

Private Blog – US Share Market


Market Talk- September 17, 2018

Another day another US/China trade headline dictating direction and concerns. One has to wonder if President Trump and the Washington Trade team are tagging it and...

Is the Left Threatening Republican Rallies to Win the Elections?

The left has always been the most violent in politics mainly because they blame others for their own failure. Already we are starting to see a trend where threats...

British Economy Booming After BREXIT

COMMENT: Marty; You are not only the only person to forecast BREXIT, you also said the British Economy would do far better after BREXIT. There was absolutely nobody...

Red Tide & Blaming Farmers & Global Warming Yet it Conforms to Pi

If you ever live at the shore, one thing that crops up in 13-year cycles is what they call Red Tide. The traditional explanation I have always heard is that is...