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Market Talk- November 19, 2018

A quiet yet steady session for Asia as continued news of Sino-US trade talks probably hinder progress. What we continue to see recently though, has been the...

November 21st, 2018 Pi Target

  There are so many things happening in the political world it is next to impossible to figure out what is going to be the focal point for the Pi target since...

Election Recount & Fraud

The recount in Florida is expected to show nearly 3,000 votes less than before. This really highlights the entire problem with elections. If we can buy from Amazon...

The Snowiest Decade

This winter is starting off colder than the last two years. My biggest concern is that all the nonsense about Global Warming is preventing us from preparing for the...

WEC 2018 Orlando

We would like to thank everyone for a great WEC. Thank you for all the comments saying this was the best one...


Dominic Raab, who was the negotiator in BEXIT told the chief whip straight after cabinet yesterday that he would quit. He said the prime minister could still change...

Illinois Thinking About Imposing a Stiff Exit Tax to Leave?

The politicians in Illinois after destroying the state economically, want to now impose an EXIT tax for anyone who dares to think about leaving the state. This is...

IMF Tells Nations to Create Their Own Cryptography

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I have to say that Bitcoin has crashed again because the IMF says each country should create its own cryptocurrency. That would kill all...

Market Talk- November 16, 2018

A relief rally after a poor opening for US markets and that confidence did roll into Asia, but only for a short time. The Nikkei opened well but then saw selling...

The Coming Monetary Crisis

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you said that next year, interest expenditure will most likely exceed military. Is this how the monetary crisis begins to unfold? WR...