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Private Blog – Dow & January

P Private Blog – The Dow & a January...

McCabe Resigns Ahead of Internal Investigation Report on FBI

Andrew McCabe, who has become the face of the Deep State, has finally resigned ahead of waiting for his pension on March 18th. Don’t worry, he is using his...

CFTC Has Made Spoofing a Crime

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission announced that it has brought a case in conjunction with the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation’s...

The Dow Down & Dirty

COMMENT: OK Mr. Armstrong. Looks like the government was right. You come out and said the Dow reached a turning point and it crashes. You posted: “In the US...

Trump’s First State of the Union Speech

President Trump delivered a conventional State of the Union address and moved to turn the successes of his first year in office, tax cuts, deregulation and an...

Q&A with Michael Campbell of “MoneyTalks” Radio

Special Q&A Discussion with Martin Armstrong and moderator Michael Campbell of “MONEYTALKS RADIO” spanning two days at the 2017 World Economic...

Market Talk- January 30th, 2018

As you would expect, given how the last minutes in the US trading influences Asia – we opened lower. The Nikkei did attempt a small recovery just after the...

The Revenge of Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; What is the catch? Why do you do everything you do with no charge. What is the hook? Nobody does something for nothing. ANSWER: I get that...

Quantum Encryption even NSA Cannot Break!

Quantum Encryption is a dream that is rapidly coming true (University of Science and Technology China). At this level, it can make data secure and virtually...

You May Soon Be Able to Regrow an Arm or Leg?

The Mexican axolotl salamander can regrow lost limbs in a matter of weeks which includes the bones, muscles, nerves and the whole enchilada. When scientists sought...