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CIA Assassination Plots Exposed in 1975

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; it certainly seems that the bureaucracy is really operating against the people. They have tried to assassinate heads of states before. Do...

Obama Takes Credit for Economic Recovery Saying it is Not Trump but Him

Believe it or not, Obama, who raised taxes dramatically, is claiming the recovery is because of him and not Trump. On September 7th, 2018 Obama at a speech at the...

The End of Britain with 2nd Referendum on BREXIT?

As many as 670,000 people protested in London to call for a second Brexit referendum. Our computer is showing that a second referendum will vote to remain but this...

Protesters Who Do Not Know What They Are Protesting Against

  I myself encountered a woman who had protested against Trump in the big march in Washington after he was elected. I was curious to listen to her reasoning...

Why British Politicians Argue to Remain in the EU – PENSION!!!!!!!!!

When you look closely at all the people who line their pockets with huge EU pensions for being a representative of Britain, it is stunning to see why they would...

New Discovery Proves History Books Were WRONG!

  I have previously written how the academics have REFUSED to revise history even when the evidence has been right in their face. I have previously written...

Market Talk- October 19, 2018

Another negative open today but fortunately was not to last! Although China’s GDP released lower than expected weekend book squaring and absolute levels helped...

Why Democrats Love to Spy On Americans

Michael Hastings was the journalist exposing the surveillance state. Hastings wrote about the investigation of reporters by the U.S. Department of Justice back in...

The Greek Dark Age & Climate Change

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You mentioned that the environment was the primary cause of the Greek Dark age between the Heroic and Hellenistic periods. Can you...