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Why Models Fail

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Did AIG use the Black-Scholes Model and that is what created the crisis again in 2007? WJ ANSWER: No. It’s my understanding that...

Iran Political Clarification

COMMENT: Two things:   “He is remembered for publicly stating that Israel should be wiped off the face of the Earth.”   Although he is indeed...

Private Blog – The Dow View in 2018

Private Blog – The Dow View in...

The Coldest New Year – Ever?

  NASA’s photo of the Blizzard of 2018 shows just how cold this season is turning into. I have made it clear I moved from New Jersey to Florida trying to...

Iranian Protest & Revolutionary Cycle

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Many look to you from Iran. Can you please advise as to your cyclical work of Iranian revolutions if you have calculated that out. Thank...

Happy New Year South & North America

  It is finally Here – 2018. This is when the real fun begins this year moving into...

What Did the Pivots Confirm or Deny for 2017?

QUESTION: Marty; At your training seminar you did a couple of year’s ago, you said your pivot numbers will confirm or deny a high. What was the status on the...

Public Library of Science Published No Evidence of Global Warming Caused by Humans

Even the renown Public Library of Science (PLOS) Organization has stated plainly there is no evidence of Global Warming caused by human activity. “nly 18% of...