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Draining the Swamp & Why the New York Times is Trying to Overthrow Trump

There has never been any president who has been so attacked and hated by the media in the history of the nation. Now the New York Times has done a piece claiming...

Understanding the New Age of Inflation

QUESTION: As an avid reader of your daily BLOG, I’m well aware of the attempt to abolish cash, potential freezing of bank accounts, years of negative or near...

To Live a Creative Life We Cannot Fear Being Wrong

QUESTION: Why do academics refuse to revise history when they are clearly wrong? This seems to be the same issue with their research on Global Warming. YK ANSWER:...

Market Talk- October 3. 2018

The Nikkei retreated from its recent highs in cash terms, but is late this evening retaking those losses. The concerns surround the auto and petrochemical...

Did Victory Become our Guardian Angel?

QUESTION: I was told that Michael the Arc Angel was fashioned after Victory. Is that true? ANSWER: Well it is hard to say that he specifically was fashioned after...

American Politics Has Crossed the Rubicon – There’s no Going Back

COMMENT: Thanks for commenting on this! I was watching the proceedings and to me the circus on Capitol Hill only made sense to those who are too deep into American...

Market Talk- October 2, 2018

  Shanghai remains closed but the Hang Seng reopened after its public holidays to a negative mood. The trend remained the same for the day, as bid after bid...

Beware of the Real Debt Crisis on the Horizon – not the BS on TV

We have to come to the reality that from 2019 onward, we are headed into a Pension Crisis that will be serious. Many are starting to yell about the debt crisis....

Why Capital Flows Are the Only Real Guide to Market Trends

QUESTION: Hello Martin I wish all the best for you. The work you make every day to rise up our understanding about the world is amazing and make me feel a huge...

Guantanamo Bay & Covering Up Mistakes

QUESTION: You once mentioned that Guantanamo Bay was a violation of human rights and Obama had pledged to close it when he ran for office the first time. Yet it is...