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Why CONFIDENCE is the Backbone of the New Monetary System

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I found your recent article on inflation and contagions fascinating. Am I correct in summing it up that today because currencies are not...

Market Talk- July 17, 2018

Japan was the only one of the core to distance itself form all others and close positive (+0.45%) on the day. That is probably because the Yen lost ground and seems...

When Will We Be Truthful About Bureaucratic Intervention into Foreign Elections?

I really do find it totally beyond belief how even Republicans, such as House Speaker Paul Ryan, are coming out to criticize Trump saying Trump should have blasted...

Bureaucracy & the Collapse of Empires, Nation, City-States & Corporations

COMMENT: Sir, Your blog about the “Deep State” being nothing more than the bureaucracy made me laugh. If memory serves, didn’t some of the Chinese dynasties...

Documenting History with Coins & How they Prove What We Were Taught is Not Always Correct

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I have been researching facts about history and there is strong evidence that what we were taught in school doesn’t fit with the...

Market Talk- July 16, 2018

Despite all of the weekends headlines surrounding US Presidents Trump’s meetings with NATO, UK’s PM Theresa May and then on to Helsinki with President Putin...

Now We Have Fake Journalists As Well

  COMMENT: This character who pretended to be a journalist was only an op-ed contributor. It is amazing how so many journalists are using this against Trump....

You cannot Change the Mind of those Who Believe in Global Warming because it is their Religion

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; there are just people who refuse to believe that global warming is wrong. When there are cold spells like that here in Australia, they argue...

Australia Hit With Coldest Spell in 26 Years

The winter Downunder has already been the coldest in 26 years. Temperatures plummeted on the East Coast at Marangaroo to a low of -11.1C. It is amazing that the...

Turkey the Poster Child of Emerging Market Crisis

During the 1980s, I was called in to create a hedge for a bank against the Turkish lira which nobody made a market on. I had to create a synthetic hedge for the...