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Freedom of Religion under Attack?

  The attack upon religion in Australia is not what one would call a direct assault. It is also not unique to just Australia. This is simply the way...

The World as it Turns in 2018

QUESTION: Marty; Will you put out a report on what to expect in 2018 as you did in 2017? Thanks for all you do. It is amazing you do not spam us with emails or try...

Did US Interfere in the Russian Elections in 1999?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, It appears obvious why your film the Forecaster was banned in the USA by Netflix and others. Besides showing the corruption in the American...

Government Power & the Inversion Delusion

COMMENT: The Trump Tax Cut,… Having read your blog now for a couple years, it seems that the problem is squarely upon “why” we have or need Government. To...

Market Talk- December 18, 2017

A solid session across the board and all time zones, for the final week ahead of Christmas. The results heard on Friday that the US corporate tax could be reduced...

Trump Tax Plan to Allow Small Business to Expand

QUESTION: Hello. You mentioned that the tax cut will allow many companies to expand and hire more staff. At a WSJ forum, Gary Cohen asked a group of CEO’s if...

British Parliament Chaos as Tory Rebels Try to Stop BREXIT

The Tory Rebels in the UK Parliament joined forces with Labour and the Remain Camp to defeat BREXIT in reality. They claim that Parliament will now vote on the...

Trump Tax Reform & Charitable Donations

QUESTION:  Hi Marty, I have been reading your blog daily for the last few years, as well as the archives. I just read your explanation of the difference between...

Freedom of Religion under Attack by Australian Gov’t

OK, believe it or not, the Australian government wants sweeping changes in the Catholic Church and other organizations, including making celibacy voluntary for...

Taxing the Per Mile you Drive – Hunt for Taxes

There are a number of states now looking into imposing a tax on every mile you drive your car. The leader of the pack has been the West Coast.  I previously...