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Deep State is just getting deeper & Rosenstein is a member of a coup to overthrow an elected official destroying the Constitution ending Democracy

The Deep State is just getting deeper, yet like an onion, the layers are slowing peeling away to expose the core. Members of Congress filed impeachment motions...

The most VALUABLE lesson we can teach our children is HOW TO THINK – not what to think

COMMENT: Good day Sir; How in the world do you do it? It is one thing to develop Socrates and assist clients, but yet another to keep up with and tie in the global...

Gag orders & Cover Ups

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I watched the film the Forecaster. I then read your plea. You simply said you failed to tell your clients that the bank took the money. How...

Private Blog – US Share Market

Private Blog US Share Market Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

Is Democracy dying here?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; the hatred is off the charts as you say. I actually saw a young girl with a Trump hat at the gas station and two people were throwing things...

Come Join the Bring a Rock Gathering

  The girl who was riding the bike and gave the finger to Trump is now qualified to run the country. I am sure she understands economics, world trade,...

September Breaks all Records for Snow Fall Because Obviously Canadians Don’t Pay Enough in Global Warming Taxes to Make a Difference

COMMENT #1: Mr. Armstrong; I met you here in Edmonton years ago. I think you are the only analyst to have ever bothered to come up this far. I still read you as to...

Trying to Forecast Long-Term Technology Trends

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have a hard time envisioning this age of knowledge some claim is behind cryptocurrencies and others claim is behind robots that...

Market Talk- September 21, 2018

A solid day for Asia following record highs for the DOW and S+P. The Shanghai wasn’t too sure at the opening, but then mid-morning managed to find a bid and...