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Theresa May Taking Britain Down with the EU Ship?

The talk in the city of London is that there is now a rising chance that Theresa May will be gone perhaps by November or by Christmas at the latest. About 50...

PRIVATE BLOG – Dow Breakout or Temp High?

PRIVATE BLOG – Dow Breakout or Temp...

Market Talk- September 19, 2018

A strong performance from most Asian markets following the US run. Rather the news than the rumour as many people feared. Both the Shanghai and Hang Seng opened...

Pentagon Warned President Bush Global Warming Was Bigger Threat Than Terrorism

  A secret report by the US defense chiefs warned President Bush that Global Warming was such a great threat that it would destroy the United States and major...

Trump Throws Hand Grenade into Russian Investigation

  Well, it was only a matter of time. President Trump on Monday threw a  hand grenade into the center of the Russian investigation that was all started by...

The Real Difference Between Left & Right

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have worked with politicians worldwide and both sides. What is your opinion of the politics that has emerged post-Great...

Market Talk- September 18, 2018

  The much anticipated and some would say, over expected, tariffs were announced after the US markets closed yesterday (Monday). The DOW had already dipped...



USA Declares it is not Subject to International Law

The United States is on a major confrontational course with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. The White House National Security Adviser, John...

Deodand – Civil Asset Forfeiture Violate Every Principle of Human Rights & Civilization

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; As a Canuck, I was shocked to come to realize that our Canadian government is confiscating the property of innocent people following the...