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Do Futures Result in Manipulating Gold?

COMMENT #1: Mr. Armstrong, I just wanted to thank you. I am a converted gold bug. Your comment about how gold was $875 in 1980 and the Dow was 1,000 compared to...

Market Talk – January 25, 2024

ASIA: China has announced a plan to boost its struggling economy by reducing the reserve ratio requirements for banks by 50 basis points, effective from February 5....

Ukraine Desperate to Start WWIII ASAP

Ukraine is desperate. It cannot win on the battlefield, and Victoria Nuland’s sister-in-law, who runs the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), is the source...

Terrorists Mock America While Crossing the Border

A migrant who illegally crossed into the United States threatened me, saying "You find out who I am very soon," simply because I asked him where he was...

The Student Loan Boycott

President Joe Biden promised student loan cancelation during his initial presidential campaign. This became a big selling point for one-issue voters strapped with...

Judge Rules Trudeau Violated Charter by Invoking Emergencies Act

Canada’s Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act (EA) on February 14, 2022, in response to the Trucker Convoy, a mass protest against the unjust COVID...

Socrates’ Political Forecasts

Many government officials around the world look at our political forecasts, which are done by our computer and are not influenced by personal opinion or bias. These...

President Biden vs Texas

We have a MAJOR Constitutional Crisis between the actions of Biden himself and the recent Supreme Court ruling against Texas relying on the Supremacy Clause, which...

Thank God for Truckers & Farmers

The World needs to thank the Canadian Truckers. They have inspired so many around the world. The Farmers have staged massive protests in the Netherlands, then...