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Snowing in Africa – Wow

COMMENT: Well it’s not hailstones down here. It is snow. Even the animals are confused. REPLY: Well it certainly looks very dramatic from here in...

Market Talk- September 14, 2018

Asian markets ended the day strong, with the majority of the broader indexes increasing over 1%. Japanese Nikkei Index rose 1.2% albiet the manufacturing was...

Will Global Warming Sink the Netherlands?

  A friend of mine was taking a class in geography in university for the credits. The professor was all about brainwashing the class about Global Warming. The...

Really Crazy Taxes That Altered Society like the Beard Tax Creating Resistance & Status Symbols

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; As a Canuck, I enjoyed your piece on the window and step tax for I fear Trudeau may start reading your blog for ideas. You have to come...

Clinging to Old Theories of Inflation

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I think I am starting to understand your view of inflation. It is very complex. I think some people cannot think beyond a simple one...

Market Talk- September 13, 2018

Following the late US headline that US/China trade talks were likely to resume, all Asian indices opened firm. The positive stance was reflected across all markets,...

Joe Biden – Give Me Money To Defeat Trump & Conspiracy with Deep State?

A very curious thing seems to be going on. A person donated money to Trump, all of a sudden, emails begin to arrive from Joe Biden asking for donations to the...

Is it Time to Turn the Lights Out on Turkey and just Take Your Losses and Run?

Just when you thought President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was really off the reservation, he suddenly appears off the planet. Erdogan has appointed HIMSELF as chairman...

Who is the Fool? Trump or Woodward?

According to CNBC, Bob Woodward reported that Trump told Gary Cohn, the former Goldman Sachs/director of the National Economic Council to just print more money to...

PRIVATE BLOG – Metals on the Benchmarks

PRIVATE BLOG – Metals on the Benchmarks Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...