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Will Impeachment Make the Market Decline?

Trump has said that if he left office, the stock market would decline. Those who are against Trump have actually made comments like: “It’s a ridiculous...

Why Some People Can Break the Law and be Heroes

QUESTION: Any reason why Stormy Daniels has not been charged with blackmail? Why should her attorney not be indicted as a co-conspirator? ANSWER: This is the...

Market Talk- August 23, 2018

With core China and the Hang Seng indices trading near their 52week lows, this is the direct opposite to core US indices that are making historic highs! Todays...

PRIVATE BLOG – The Euro for the close of August 2018

PRIVATE BLOG – The EUro for the Close of August 2018 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn...

The Elite Left & Right Said Trump will NEVER be President   Some people have asked: (1) What does Hillary have on the government not to be indicted? They are all the same...

It’s Not About Trump & People Are Too Stupid to Even Look at the Trend in Motion

QUESTION: It is so confusing. Hillary took money from foreign governments which is treason and that’s ok. Cohen pays two women to keep their mouth shut and...

New Zealand – Welcome to the South Island?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your recommendation at the WEC two years ago that the south island in New Zealand would be a safe place has really led to a lot of chaos. So...

Lanny Davis Makes it Clear The Prosecutor Wrote the Script & His Client Cohen Just Agreed – Not his Own Words

  Lanny Davis is the attorney representing Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen. Here is a lesson in legal wordsmithing. This attorney Mr. Davis...

The Press Conspire to Influence the Elections Come November 2018 to Overthrow Trump

The FAKE NEWS is banning together to try to overthrow Trump and the Republicans this election season. They do not like to be called FAKE NEWS and act as if their...

Market Talk- August 22. 2018

Record highs achieved in the US session and so expectedly the Asia markets responded. The Nikkei was the leader, but interestingly not from the open! It took a...