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Quantity Theory of Money

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; This was my first WEC. Your presentation on the Quantity Theory of Money and how that is at the core of all our problems was a real...

Market Talk – November 8th, 2017

Although Asia closed with pretty much a mixed session, it really does not explain the mood or sentiment. Yes, the Nikkei closed lower on the day (-0.1%) but after...

WARNING People Abusing the Forum

WARNING: There are people using our forum for attendees of conferences to solicit people for investments and to take our material and then incorporate it into their...

The Climate is Turning Colder not Warmer & This is Important to Watch This video tends to try to blame future event upon humankind of course. By the historical Ice Age is really the point....

Turkey & USA Relations Turn Bad

The relations between the USA and Turkey have turned for the worst. The USA has now restored the need for a visa after audio recordings have surfaced indicating...

The ECM Turning Point Here in November

QUESTION: Marty, First off, I would like to say it was truly a pleasure meeting you at the cocktail party this past weekend. Congratulations on presenting an...

Market Talk – November 7th, 2017

  The Nikkei (+1.75%) had the strongest session in Asia today, helped by the continued rally in oil (+3% on Monday) prices and strong earnings. The Nikkei...

The Coming Censorhip

The entire nonsense that the political election was “influenced” by Russia propagated by Hillary who paid for the dossier that started this whole mess....

Bank of England & Real World

Without real-world experience, today’s move by the Bank of England would have cost you serious money. Yes, finally after more than a decade the BOE finally...

Hillary What Happened – She Rigged the Democratic Party

Donna Brazile’s new memoir, Hacks, has exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a corrupt manipulative politician. Brazile is the former...