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Market Talk – November 6th, 2017

Not that much to get excited about in Asian markets today, but with not much fresh news to go-on indices closed mixed. The Nikkei opened better after their long...

Policeman Jeff Payne Arrests Nurse for Refusing to Take Blood from Unconscious patient

Salt Lake City and the university that runs the hospital have settled paying a Utah nurse Alex Wubbels $500,000 for an illegal and abusive arrest by a policeman...

Alimony Deduction May Vanish

The Trump Tax Reform is in part inspired by the Flat Tax idea of lowering the rate and eliminating deductions. Alimony, or spousal support, is often part of divorce...

Ferguson Riots Have Another Face – Police Raise 23% of Revenue in Fines

The town of Ferguson made headlines as riots appeared. Who will not forget the police with military gear acting like an invading army. Many supported the police...

Rewriting History Continues

A historic Episcopal church in Alexandria, Va., has made the decision to move a pair of plaques that paid tribute to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee and President...

The Cycle Keeps Going – Everyone Gets their Spot in Fame

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I had stopped watching TV a decade ago. Then one late night in August 2015, for no particular reason, I switch on some Swedish...

2017 Orlando World Economic Conference

This year’s attendance exceeded 1200 for the two WEC events. It was a great event and we addressed the Vertical Markets which are dominating the year ahead....

The Butter Shortage in France – Thank You EU

  There is a butter shortage in Europe that has seen prices soar by 300% without speculators. The problem can be traced to the end of milk-production quotas...

Crimea & Carving up the World

COMMENT: Dear Marty You mention that Crimea was taken by Russia. However, this is just the MSM view. The West is accused of fermenting the problem in Ukraine...

Trump’s Tax Reform

    These days, US President Donald Trump is pushing his number one agenda of his term in office – major tax reform. Trump has been meeting with...