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EU Support Madrid Refuses to Acknowledge Catalonia

  Madrid has seized Catalonia by force and the EU, of course, backs Madrid saying they do not recognize Catalonia as a free state. This is demonstrating that...

Political Prosecutions in Full Swing

Paul Manafort, a former campaign manager for President Donald Trump, was indicted on charges of money laundering and conspiracy against the United States. This is a...

Market Talk- October 30th, 2017

‘ The Shanghai core index traded heavy in todays trading as concerns over the amount of IPO potentially coming to market start to take their toll. Shanghai...

Notice Above Not Receiving Emails

If you are having problems in receiving our email notifications when we do a post, you can add our email to your whitelists and this will help keep emails from...

Idiots who try to control the world and blame everyone else for their failure

COMMENT: Ok Mr. Armstrong, this is nuts; You are starting to freak me out with this forecasting. The last 2 months has blown me away when a few more elements of...

What Came First? Cultivation or Cities?

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your One-World-Currency report. It was truly fascinating. From an academic perspective, what came first in the formation of...

Catalonia (Catalunya) – Legal or not Legal

There are many who write in from Spain supporting Madrid against Catalonia. The core of their argument is that the call this movement an independent...

GREXIT – Will Greece be Better off or Worse?

GREXIT QUESTION: I just read an article about Grexit and the MoU that expires in the summer of 2018. Let’s assume Greece exits EU and the Euro, what would...

Clinton Paid to Have the Dossier Created to Try to Discredit Trump

COMMENT: I am shocked that the Washington Post has come out and admitted that the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier that...