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IMF Criticizes Germany for its Chronic Trade Surplus?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I know you say you do not advise the IMF. But whatever you write, they follow and repeat. So they are following your blog at least and they...

Market Talk- August 8, 2018

The news mid afternoon that President Trump’s trade restrictions could be increased and a retaliatory Chinese tariff increase all coupled with latest China/US...

China on the Rise – How-When-Why China Becomes the new Financial Capital of the World by Martin Armstrong

A Special report in full-color print edition is now available on Amazon. This is an important report laying out the reasons and timing why the Financial Capital of...

The Healthcare Crisis Behind the Curtain – Are We Importing New Plagues?

  Charles Dickens wrote about how corrupt the courts were out of control in Bleak House published back in 1859. He began in his first chapter on Chancery:...

Australia Adopts Presumption of Guilt Denying Any Presumption of Innocence Rejecting All Principles of a Free Society

  Australia is really rejecting all the basic tenets of civilization and is moving ever closer and closer to simply an authoritarian government. Australia is...

ECM & the Cycle Inversion?

The Economic Confidence Model (ECM) is a global business cycle. The entire world economy NEVER peaks and bottoms together. This latest turning point of July 12th,...

Market Talk- August 7, 2018

No new headlines and a strong US market resulted in a positive day for Asia. Finally, we saw some bounce back in the Shanghai index after it has been weak for so...

Is SO2 the Real Threat – not CO2?

It has snowed in Alberta, Canada on August 1st in the dead of summer. Such strange events like this have not been common. Europe is burning from heat when buildings...

InfoWars Banned for Hate Speech?

The new European regulations are actually having an impact globally. Alex Jones’ InfoWars has been banned by Apple’s decision to remove five podcasts by...

Understanding The Dollar Strength

  It is fascinating to watch how the bias in people just ensures not just that a sucker is born every minute to replace the one that wises-up, but there are...