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Did Obama Use the FBI the Same as Nixon Used His Own People to Spy on Opposition?

  While Robert Mueller was not in charge of the FBI after 2013, the new revelations that the FBI was spying on members in the Trump Campaign are very alarming....

How Linear Thinking that has blinded most People

COMMENT: I think I now see the light. It has been my linear thinking that has blinded me. Gold rallied and failed as was the case with the euro, British pound and...

WEC Singapore June 2018

Unfortunately, the WEC in Singapore was tight on space. We stated at the beginning of this year that we would be reducing the seating for these events because they...

The Shift of the Financial Capital of the World to China

By 2032, China will dethrone the United States to become the world's leading economic powerhouse. This cycle has been exasperated by government mismanagement and...

As long as Cryptocurrencies remain Assets – Then they will Survive a Monetary Crisis.

  QUESTION: You originally said back at the 2015 WEC the first window for the monetary crisis and the collapse of the Euro could arrive by 2018 and then the...

What Fields Will Survive Going Forward?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, You are a clever man and all the best to you.  I am a 43 yr old man that is still looking for his way in life.  In short, knowing what you...

Have Cryptocurrencies Become a Religion?

  QUESTION: I had a discussion with a former goldbug who is now a crypto-bug. He can’t see that governments will not stand idle waiting to be simply put...

Can Cryptocurrencies Survive?

QUESTION: Do you think Bitcoin can survive? Or has it been a passing fad? MT ANSWER: Bitcoin rose because 70% of the miners were in China. It was NOT simply because...

Texas Shooter & Gun Control

QUESTION: You do not think that control will stop these school shootings? JF ANSWER: No way. If you do look on Wikipedia, you will see that we are approaching 500...

Market Talk- May 18th, 2018

After watching the US market decline over fears of US/China trade talks erupting yet again, many were concerned that Asian markets would suffer a similar fate....