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Macron’s Call to Federalize Europe

France’s President Emmanuel Macron is calling for a radical restructuring of the whole EU. Macron has presented his map for the EU into 2024. He is...

Has the OECD Been Told to Put Out Fake Opinions?

  They just don’t give up. Now the OECD is coming out telling Britain to have a new referendum and stay in the EU. They claim, without any evidence to...

ABC & Fake News

ABC News has indeed violated the principles of a Free Press and is the example why the old Fairness Doctrine should be restored. ABC News has come out and wrote:...

Market Talk- October 20th, 2017

The opening conversation in Asia was that of the impressive bounce the US markets had attained by close of business. Many Asian traders had left their desks...

Dow & the Euro

Our Capital Flow models have been spot on showing the strength of the rally in the Dow is driven by foreign inflows. We have moved right up to the Weekly Bullish...

One World Currency Report is NOT Included in the WEC

The report many have been waiting for is now ready  This is NOT included in the WEC The Coming One World Currency This includes the Cryptocurrency Revolution the...

October 19th – 30 Year Anniversary 1987 Crash

COMMENT: 30 years ago today I was sitting in a brokerage firm in New Castle Pennsylvania on a personal computer that had 720 K of RAM and ran at 1 GHz watching the...

Left Opposes Lowing Taxes on Rich in France to Bring them Home

An online petition from the left in France is demanding that Macrone tell the “truth” about the tax rate the top 100 French will be taxed. They refuse...

Canada’s Hunt For Taxes Turns on Minimum Wage Earners

The hunt for taxes has turned to employees of companies. Any benefit you give an employee is considered “soft-income” and is to be taxed. In the USA,...

The WEC & How to Trade a Vertical Market

QUESTION: Will this WEC include a training section on how to trade a vertical market? Thank you ANSWER: Yes. We are embarking on what will be probably the most...